About Us

SPAI – Screen Printers’ Association of India, which celebrated its SILVER JUBILEE in 2005, is a national apex body of screen printers, suppliers and manufacturers. Established in 1980 as Screen Printing Association of India (SPAI), it got reshaped as Screen Printers’ Association of India in 2001, and registered under Section 25 of the Companies Act 1956. Today it has more than 400 members (in two broad category printers and suppliers) – screen printers, offset printers, digital and textile printers and also manufacturers, suppliers, dealers in these fields.
With the motto “Together we serve better and longer” the association was formed to promote and protect screen printing industry, to stimulate and promote the development of screen printing in India through various programmes. SPAI takes prides in noting that many of its members have been regularly bag tops awards in national and international competitions such FESPA, SGIA, Screen Print India expo, etc.
It is an associate member of FESPA, a leading international association with 34 member and member associations from different countries. SPAI was officially voted as an associate member of FESPA during its General Assembly held in Sweden in 2004. As a result of this, besides many other benefits, SPAI members are eligible to receive issues of FESPA WORLD (4 issues), a comprehensive global magazine for screen and digital printers with exhaustive industry coverage (news and technical articles). SPAI actively associated with FESPA for its two international events in India – Fespa India – 2005 and 2007 in New Delhi. SPAI had initiated Awards Competition in both these events and many of the members won awards. This way SPAI also encourages excellence in screen printing. Because of its association with FESAP, some of the members could send their entries to FESPA’s international award competitions – Munich 2005 and Berlin 2007, Geneva (Digital) 2008, and SPAI members, by bagging awards in these competitions, proved that Indian screen printers can match international standards.
"From time to time SPAI deputes or joins in electing or nominating delegates and advisers to represent screen printing industry at state, national and international level. SPAI also associates with other industry associations/bodies in their activities so that SPAI members become aware of the burgeoning opportunities and technological developments in various fields connected to screen printing since this process is a vast subject."
SPAI targets to educate print buyers, printers and others related to screen printing industry on the need and importance of screen printing at various industry events where SPAI office bearers take part either as speakers or as participants to share their experience.
Most of its members (printers – screen, digital and offset) are involved in the printing/production of commercial graphics, industrial printing and textile printing : Advertising materials, ceramics/flat glass, compact disc, containers/3-D objects, stickers, labels and allied products, decals, digital imaging, embroidery, fine art/serigraphs, membrane switch, nameplates/dials/gauges/panels, pad printing, brochures, POP and displays, printing circuitry/electronics, signage: large format, T-shirts and garments; stationery products, wedding-greeting-visiting cards, calendars, planners, diaries, posters, danglers, large format promotional items, name plates, metallic base products, plastic base products, glass, mirror and tile products; water transfer and dry transfer decals; banners .. and the list is simply endless. On the supply side, there are many who are into manufacturing of screen printing machines, equipment and allied products, inks and chemicals, dealers, stockists, suppliers of overseas and Indian manufacturers. Some members are involved in training and educational activities as well.